How to view nx.prt files on macbook in 2024

view nx.prt files on macbook

As a mac user you may have encountered with viewing nx.prt files often but can’t open them on your system ,its frustrating. These file formats are created by Siemens NX computer aided software. Its contains 3d model data and other engineering information. Windows has support nx.prt files but mac does not support. Don,t worry with few simple stems you can view, measure and print nx.prt and other Siemens nx files on your mac book. In this article we will take you through how to view nx.prt files on macbook.

What are nx.prt files all about

Nx.prt files are proprietary 3d cad files created by Siemens nx. They contains 3d model data and Para meter. To view these types of files you need to install compatible software which can view cad files.

Methods to view nx.prt files on macbook

Method no-1 By using online software and desktop softwares

There are a few softwares available in market which are compatible with macbook. Fusion 360 and E drawing are most popular among them.

1-fusion 360-It is free cad software of autodesk. You can download it and use it for free. Its user interface is very simple and to learn its operating process is not tough enough. Fusion 360 will allow you to create, view and measure 3d models in nx.prt files.

2-Edrawings-Another best choice for macbook is edrawing a light weight 3d cad viewer software. Edrawing was specially desined to view proprietary 3d files. It offers basic viewing and annotation tools. It is also a simple to use tool but some advance features are unavailable than fusion 360.

3-freecad-This software is a also free o use and  it is a open source software but freecad needs some additional plugins to run.

4-Solid edge viewer-This software is designed for viewing solid edge files.

Method no-2 By converting nx.prt files to another format

You can convert .prt files to any other file format which is supported by macbook to view prt file on macbook.For this you can use any of the below converter.

1-Anycad-This converter allows you to convert your files between various cad formats.

2-nx open-This is a native software use to create and edit prt files and convert it to another format like step.

Why you can,t open nx.prt files on macbook

When you are trying to open the .prt files on macbook an error massage shows “this file type is not supported”.main reason behind it that the nx.prt files proprietary 3d cad files created using Siemens NX softwares. There  are not any compatible software installed on macbook to run this type of sfiles.

These files contains 3d measurements ,surface properties,component names and attributes .Without Siemens nx the data nx.prt can,t be decoded and translated into a visual 3d model.


It depends on your need and preference which option you choose. When you just want to view nx.prt files on macbook occasionally then try a online nx.prt file viewer. But when you want to use convertor regularly then you need to install a dedicated cad viewer in your system. If you want to edit the prt files then you have to convert the files to another format and you need a file converter.

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