How can an attacker execute malware through a script 2024

execute malware through a script

In the era of internet human being is completely dependent on internet. Besides of many advantages of internet it has also some disadvantages. Like real world in internet world attacker always trying to attack on your system and fulfill their needs . Attackers can stole every data of your system and create massive damage to your system using malware. It is very necessary for you to know about malware and how attacker execute malware through a script .So in this article we will discuss on this topic briefly.

What is malware

A malware is a malicious software which is a program designed to make harm of any computer system and user. There are different types of malwares.

  1. Viruses malware-it is a self replicated program file infect your system through any email, downloaded file, clicking links from malicious sources. Viruses can damage to your computer, steal data and even your computer can be hacked.
  2. Trojan horses-It is a harmless legitimate program. But Trojans hide malicious programs that activates after installation.
  3. Spyware-It a malware designed to collect users online data without their permission.This can include your personal data, browsing history and other online activities. These data is sent to a third party. These type of spyware can,t be detected or removed without the use of some special security tools.
  4. Worms-It is similar as viruses but they don,t need any program to installed. Worms can be spread through online networks. It takes advantage of weakness in your operating system and infiltrates to your system. It can consume your system resources ,delete your files create backdoor to remote access to your system. Worms can spread very rapidly.
  5. Ransomware- This type of malware often used to lock your system and collect money from you as ransom. Ransomwares can spread through phishing emails, compromised websites. It results a financial loss and data theft.
  6. Adware- It bombards unwanted ads to your system while you are browsing internet. It is not so harmful as other malwares but it is irritating.
malware through a script

How a malware through a script can be delivered

Malwares can be delivered through various ways

1-Email attachments– Malwares often uses dummy name or logo of brands to attract you and attach a malware to that email. When you opens that email the malware installed to your system automatically without your knowledge.

2-Phishing links-Criminal uses various free offer or gift card related massage to attract you and click on a specific malicious link.

3-Spammy websites-Malwares can be spread using compromised websites. When you download something from these sites a malware automatically downloaded to your system.

4-Usb drives-Malwares can be attacked your system through usb drives or removable hard drive.

5- Downloadable software- When you download software from unknown sources or insecure websites then your system can be infected through these types of files.

6-social media-Attacker uses social media to convince you to download some malware and inject a malware through a script into your system.

7-file sharing networks-When user download files from a infected file sharing site malwares attacks to their system through that downloaded file.

What is Malware through a script Attack? 

A malware through a script is a malware code which is written in a scripting language . It may be java script, vb script, power shell,php,python or any other script. It is used to infect a computer system or network. Script –based malware is file less so does not use any file to deliver in your system, that’s why it is hard to detect for a antivirus software. Scripts can be modified to avoid detection. These type of malware operate in memory as file less malware making them very difficult to detect. Script-based malware can be short. Scripts can be hidden within legitimate documents, websites, emails and even embedded within macros in office applications.

malware through a script delivery process

Phishing email and massages-This is the most common delivery method. Attackers use phishing emails and massages containing malicious links and attachments. When you click on those links or attachments trigger the script and execution.

Compromised websites-Compromised websites contains malicious scripts. When you download content from these websites automatically inject malwares to your system.

Exploiting vulnerabilities-Attackers can exploit vulnerabilities in applications and operating systems to inject scripts directly into memory.

Process to execute malware through a script

Once the malicious malware script are delivered to the targeted device they motivate user to enable and run a macro for execution of the script.The script runs stealthily in side system memory . it is almost impossible to detect and remove this type of malware.

After the script executes these scripts can do various harmful activities.

1-Steal data –Once executed in your system it can stole your user name, password, financial data and may more confidential data stored in your computer.

2-Damage your system-It can corrupt your system files ,crash your applications and lock your system .

How to Remove Malware through a script

1-Scan with latest anti virus tool-Use a reputed anti virus tool to scan your system. Make sure to execute a full scan process. Try to scan with multiple tools if possible.

Scan with a anti malware tool- Scan your system with malware tools which specially designed for script based malware detection. You can use tools like Malwarebytes, Hitmanpro or ESET .

You can get malwarebites here from official site

2Keeping the system apart-First step after detection is to cut off malware communication .Disconnect the system from internet and remove any attach data cables to prevent further spread.

Run the system in safe mode with networking which allows only essential services of your system and reduces malwares ability to function.
3-remove suspicious scripts-Check your system thoroughly to find suspicious scripts. Check start up folders, browser extensions, registry entries, application macros. If any unwanted, unknown script found remove it immediately.

4- Detect internal vulnerabilities-Check the system firewall and all security and if any updates needed then do it promptly. Make sure your antivirus is not expired and updated.

Check all applications sources and remove application which is suspicious and downloaded from unknown sites.

5-Reset affected applications– Reset web browser and clear all data. This process removes malicious extensions, cookies, cached data and saved data.

Reset all other applications to factory reset or default setting.This process can remove malware traces.

6-Experts help- If still you are unable to solve the issue yourself then contact any professional security expert.

How to prevent your system from malware through a script

Here are few steps to prevent your system from script-based malware

1-Be cautious while downloading-Download content from trusted sources and scan those with antivirus software before download.

Scan emails before opening any attachments even from a familiar sender.

Don’t click any random links from social media posts or emails.

Hover on links before clicking to view the real URL of that link.

2- Software update-Always check for updates of your operating system, browser and all applications available in your system. Updates then whenever updates available to prevent your system from malwares.

3-Use strong antivirus- Always use strong antivirus software from a reputed site. Use antivirus or anti malware software which can detect and remove script-based malware.

Run scan process in regular interval to detect and remove any threats.

4-precaution for emails-   Don’t open emails from unknown sender.

Be extra cautious with emails containing any reward, free gifts, coupons, lottery ,urgent type contents.

Verify senders address before clicking on email or attachments.

Use email filter options to block spammy emails.

Use email encryption to secure your mails.

5-disable script execution– Disable script execution in applications which are frequently targeted by malware through a script.

Enable option to take permission before running script on those applications.

Restrict frequent use of administrative account-Don’t use admin account for frequent tasks.

Create a separate account with limited accessibility to use in day to day tasks.


I think this article helps you in detection of executed malware through a script. Precaution is always better than cure. Always stay updated about latest malwares, method of attacks and prevention methods. Learn how to identify malwares, common signs of malwares. Unusual pop ups, bombarding of pop ups , slow performance and automated system change are some common symptoms of malware infection.

What is malicious code

It is a software designed to damage ,steal ,get unauthorized access to someones computer.Virus,trozans, worms,spywares are example of malicious codes.Attackers use malicious code or malware to steal personal and sensitive information from a computer.

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